Based on a concertation with several organizations and specialists, Collectif Vital has identified 8 promising interventions to promote balanced screen use and better protect young people online.
Based on a concertation with several organizations and specialists lead in collaboration with Capsana, the Collectif Vital has identified promising interventions to be implemented in Quebec to promote balanced use of screens and better protect young people online. Eight interventions were prioritized according to their level of importance and feasibility.
The key elements of each of these interventions have been summarized in the following fact sheets:
Sensibiliser les jeunes aux impacts du temps d’écran;
Documenter l’usage des écrans à l’école;
Réglementer la monétisation dans les jeux vidéo;
Afficher des messages de prévention sur les réseaux sociaux;
Faciliter la compréhension des paramètres et conditions d’utilisation des plateformes en ligne;
Encadrer le marketing d’influence en ligne;
Définir un statut de « signaleurs de confiance » et exiger une analyse prioritaire de leurs signalements;
Promouvoir des ressources d’éducation sexuelle et affective adaptées et accessibles aux jeunes.
These fact sheets have been designed to support the members of the Special Commission on the Impact of Screens and Social Networks on the Health and Development of Young People in formulating their recommendations to better protect the health and well-being of young people online.
Consult the sheets